We know that nobody likes to shop for insurance plans. If you’re like most Americans, you currently have several insurance plans in place Some people could have three or more insurance plans, which can translate into hundreds of dollars every year on insurance plans. Hopefully, you’ll never need to use any of these insurance plans, which makes those premiums even worse. You’re paying hundreds of dollars for something that you’re never going to use.
Luckily, there are several ways that you can save money on your insurance plans every year. At Longevity Brokers, it’s our mission to ensure that you have the lowest insurance premiums around for all of your insurance plans. We help the Denver, Colorado area get the most affordable insurance plans, everything from homeowner’s insurance to auto insurance. This article is going to look at the advantages and disadvantages of bundling all of your insurance plans at one company.
Advantages of Bundling Policies
One of the easiest ways to save money on all of your plans is to hold all of the policies with one single company. Just about every company on the market is going to give you a discount if you have more than one plan with them.
Every insurance company is different, and all of them have a different sized discount for bundling packages. Some insurance companies will offer you as much as 25% discounts, while other companies will only give you a 3% or 4% discount. For companies that have a smaller discount, switching to those companies probably won’t be worth it.
Not only will you save money by switching all of your policies to one company, but it’s also much more convenient to have your plans with one company. Instead of having to pay monthly premiums to three or more companies, you can write one single check.
There are a lot of people that automatically purchase new insurance plans from the company that they already use. There is nothing wrong with doing that, but you could be wasting hundreds of dollars every year. Because every insurance company is different, the company that you have your plans with could be excellent for life insurance, but their auto insurance rates could be drastically higher than other companies on the market.
Before you purchase a plan with the same company to get the bundle discount, spend some time gathering quotes from dozens of other options. Finding the perfect company could be the difference between getting an affordable plan or getting one that’s going to break your bank every month. Don’t assume that the bundle discount makes it the lowest priced plan.
Price is not the only factor that you’ll need to look at when you’re shopping for insurance. With a lot of policies, like homeowner’s or auto, there are different types of plans and all of them are going to offer different types of coverage. It’s important that you have all of the protection that you need. Just because one plan is cheaper does not mean that it’s going to be a better option.
Working with an Independent Insurance Agent
We know that shopping for insurance, regardless of which type of plan that is it, can be a confusing task, but that’s why we are here to help. At Longevity Brokers, we want to make the process as quick and simple as possible for you and your loved ones.
Unlike traditional insurance agents, we are a group of independent agents, which means that we don’t work with one single company. Instead, we represent dozens of highly rated companies across the nation. We work with all of the best insurance companies in the Denver, Colorado area.
Not only do we provide quality life insurance policy, homeowner’s insurance policy, and auto insurance plans, but we can also help you protect your other valuables, like a boat or an ATV. Regardless of the type of plan that you are looking for, we can connect you with the perfect company and get the protection that you and your family deserve.
Saving Money On your Insurance
Aside from bundling your insurance plans, there are several other ways that you can save money, depending on the type of policy. Not only do we want to help connect you with the perfect policy, but we also want you to save as much money as possible and give you the resources that you need to save money and get all of the protection possible.
Because you never know what’s going to happen tomorrow, you shouldn’t wait any longer to get the insurance plans in place to protect all of your belongings. This can be anything from your home to your car. Every year, we hear countless stories of storms or other acts of nature destroying someone’s home or a reckless driver causing wrecks, and because of things that are out of their control, they find themselves with massive bills and expenses. Not having those insurance plans in place is one of the worst mistakes that you could ever make. Don’t wait another day to contact us and start the insurance process.
Even if you have all of the insurance plans that you need, we can look at your policies, ensure that you have enough coverage, and look for any plans that will save you money. Your life is constantly changing, which means that your insurance needs are always changing as well. If you’ve held the same insurance plans for several years, those plans might not be sufficient enough, or there could be cheaper plans on the market. Contact us today through our site or call us at (720) 209-4598.
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