Why You Need Personal Injury Protection With Your Auto Insurance Policy?

Auto insurance in Denver, CO is one of the most confused forms of insurance that is available. Very few people understand what’s covered under these policies and what isn’t covered. One of the most misunderstood, and sometimes underrated forms of insurance is personal injury protection insurance.

It’s important that you understand your coverage and all of the expenses that are covered in case of an emergency. Having adequate and quality insurance is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself and your loved ones. At Longevity Brokers, we are pleased to help the applicant get the best auto insurance available on the market. It’s one of the many quality insurance products that we are pleased to offer at an affordable rate along with our affordable homeowners insurance in Denver, CO as well!

What is Personal Injury Protection Insurance?

Most people think that if they have a health insurance policy, they don’t need a personal injury protection plan. Your health care provider will take care of those bills, right? That isn’t always the case. There are some situations where you could end up paying for some heavy bills out-of-pocket, even with the most comprehensive auto insurance policy. But that’s where one of these personal insurance protection plans come in.

Personal injury protection insurance is also known as “no-fault car insurance” and is required in all no-fault states. It helps pay for several different costs in any accident, regardless of whose fault the accident was.

In most cases, personal injury protection insurance is an optional coverage that you can buy, but there are some states that require you to have this additional plan with you auto insurance. If you live in one of those states, make sure that your coverage is at least adequate to meet any laws.

For example, Kansas is one of the states that requires you to have this additional coverage if you’re an automobile owner. In Kansas, the minimum requires for the policy are:

  • $4,500 per a person in the car for medical costs or related hospital bills
  • $900 per month for income replacement and disability fees for up to 1 year
  • $2,000 for final expenses related to burial and funeral costs
  • $4,5000 for rehabilitation costs and services
  • $25 per day for any in-home services required because of the accident

In most states, this is the standard of requirement for having supplemental coverage for personal injury protection. If you want it, you can increase the maximums for all of these categories to gain extra protection.

What does Personal Injury Protection Insurance Cover?

There is a verity of different expenses that these plans will cover. Some of the most common bills are hospital and medical bills, as well as income continuation, any loss of services, and funeral expenses if they are needed.

These are the overall expense categories that the policy covers, inside of these categories there are dozens and dozens of different fees and bills that it will pay for in the event of an accident or injury.

For example, if you were in an accident and you were injured and hospitalized, there are a lot of expenses that your health insurance wouldn’t pay for, like the daycare fees of having to keep your children. Since you’re out of work in the hospital, it can be difficult to keep your standard of living without that paycheck. That’s where personal injury protection coverage comes in.

Personal Injury Protection and Your Health Insurance

In most cases, a driver with have both personal injury insurance and health insurance, which raises the question of how do these two coverage interacts and work together? The two insurance policies work together and can fill in all of the holes that could leave you with thousands of unpaid expenses after an accident.

If you’re in an automobile accident, your health insurance is going to pay for the expenses first, until you reach the maximum limit according to your health plan. After that is when your personal injury protection will kick in, and it will pay for all of the bills at that point.

Why you need Personal Injury Protection Insurance?

Every year there are millions of Americans that are involved in auto accidents, and because of those accidents they have their savings account drained because of hospital bills, car repairs, and other related costs. Having quality insurance coverage can give you the protection that you need to keep from being surrounded by mountains of debt.

With the rising costs of medical bills, and all of the related expenses that health insurance doesn’t cover, like loss of income, it’s easy to see why personal injury protection can be a wise investment for any auto drive.


Regardless of which state you live in, even if they don’t require it, it’s a good idea to consider these policies. You never know what’s going to happen, and you can’t control other drivers. In most cases, the additional coverage is much more affordable than policyholders think. Basic insurance policies like auto insurance and health insurance only cover the necessities, which can leave a lot to be desired.

At Longevity Brokers, we are pleased to offer all of the quality insurance products and services to fit your needs. If you have any questions about auto insurance, personal injury protection insurance, life insurance, or any of the other insurance policies that we offer, please feel free to contact us at any time. It’s our goal to ensure that you have the insurance protection that you and your family deserve. Don’t wait until it’s too late to get quality policies to protect yourself.

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