Earthquakes are devastating forces of nature. I’m sure that you’ve seen pictures of the aftermath of an earthquake. It can easily destroy hundreds of homes and demolish them to nothing but rubble in a matter of moments. They are common in a lot of states, but most people don’t ever think about how an earthquake could impact them and how they can protect themselves against the cost.
Your home is your biggest investment. It’s where you sit down for family meals and where you keep all your belongings. If something were to happen to you home, would you have the insurance protection that you need, or would you be stuck with paying for those repairs and replacements yourself?
At Longevity Brokers, we are pleased to help the Denver, CO. are get the insurance protection that they need. We can help connect you with the bets policies for every area of your life. Everything from your home to your boat. This article is going to explore advantages and costs of getting earthquake insurance and if you should consider purchasing one of these plans.
Earthquake Insurance – What You Need to Know
We talk to a lot of homeowner’s that assume that their homeowner’s insurance policy will coverage any earthquake damage, but this is almost never the case. A standard homeowner’s plan will not help recover any losses or damages that occur because of an earthquake, which means that you’ll need to buy additional coverage if you want that protection.
The next question that we get quite often is about the frequency of earthquakes in Colorado and the surrounding areas. As you may know, earthquakes aren’t extremely common in Colorado, but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen. Earthquakes can happen in any state, and they have. Just because earthquakes aren’t common, doesn’t mean that you should think about having additional coverage.
You probably know that some states are more prone to earthquakes, like California. In those states, it’s necessary to have earthquake insurance, but if you live in Denver, Colorado then you may not have considered the possibility of an earthquake.
If you want to buy earthquake insurance, there are two main ways that you can do that. Either by adding supplemental coverage to the homeowner’s plan that you already have or purchase a stand-alone policy. Both ways can give you the additional protection from earthquakes.
What Does Earthquake Insurance Cover?
There are a few different things that earthquake insurance policies will cover. Your earthquake insurance will cover things like repairs to your home and any attached buildings, like a garage. It will also help replace or repair any furniture and belongings that are broken because of the earthquake. It will also pay for any bills that you are forced to pay, like a hotel bill if you can’t live in your house.
Some of the common expenses that earthquake insurance doesn’t pay for is fire damage, vehicle damage, and sinkhole damage. All of these are pretty common problems that you could run into because of an earthquake, but these damages won’t be covered with your additional earthquake protection. Fire damage should be covered under your homeowner’s insurance policy. If you have comprehensive coverage on your car, then those damages will be taken care of.
Longevity Brokers and Earthquake Insurance
As a resident of Denver, Colorado you are not required by law to have additional earthquake insurance coverage, and most people don’t. Colorado is not an area that experiences a lot of earthquakes, but that doesn’t mean you should automatically dismiss the need for the coverage. You’ll have to decide if you want to spend the additional money for a little more peace of mind.
If you’re looking to add earthquake coverage, it isn’t going to break your bank every month. The insurance premiums are going to vary depending on where you live and which company that you purchase the plan through, but in most cases, it’s only going to be a couple of extra dollars every month. You’ll need to decide, based on your needs and preferences, if adding the protection works well for you.
We know that getting quality insurance coverage can be an overwhelming task. You have to buy your standard homeowner’s insurance policy, but then you have to look for any gaps in that coverage and decide if you need to buy any additional protection. It can be a frustrating and long process, but that’s why we are here to help.
If you have any questions about earthquake insurance, or you want to look at adding the protection, please contact one of our agents today. We have years of experience working with all types of clients. It’s our mission to provide Denver with quality insurance at a reasonable rate. We know that nobody wants to think about something tragic happening to their home, but we hear hundreds of stories every year of families that didn’t have insurance protection and they are devastated by their loss. Don’t let your family be one of those stories, contact us today and we can connect you with the best policies to meet your needs.
You can call us at (720) 209-4598, or you can use our contact page, and an agent will contact you as soon as possible.
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